LEDs – The Green Alternative

The electricity consumption is an ever-increasing global phenomenon. It increases tenfold with developing technology and the need to upgrade the existent facilities. This overall consumption is higher in evolving countries as opposed to established countries. The rate of energy consumption in developing countries witnesses a 6-7 percent increase on a yearly basis.

Taking into consideration the above statistics there is a pressing need to cut down on the overall consumption of electricity on a global level. Finding means, equipment,and resources to make this possible is a global requirement. Hence, LEDs are one of the major steps in doing so.

The LED display and LED lightning systems are regarded to be the most environmentally friendly. The LED’s have advanced features which makes it highly energy saving and efficient. The evolution of LED has contributed drastically to save energy. The LED chip comes with an automatic dimming light option, and adjusts the lighting accordingly. These capabilities of LED lightning systems provide optimal amount of lighting and saves on energy and money.

Electricity Consumption through “Lighting.”

Over 20% of the overall electricity consumption is due to “Lighting.”Spreading awareness with regard to careful consumption and finding methods to ensure cost-effective and efficient consumption is now a necessity. It can also majorly cut down on the production of carbon dioxide if there is a decrease in the number of existing coal plants. But this chain of events is only possible if we generate products that promote effective use and heedful consumption.

LED Electricity Consumption in Various Sectors

The LED’s are the latest breakthrough in the lightning efficiency. They have replaced the flour recant lights in almost al parts around the globe. People are adopting LED lightning for optimal use at their homes and commercial spaces too. Below are the statistical data that charts out the amount of electricity consumption that takes place in various sectors:

  • Residential – 30-40%
  • Industrial – 15-20%
  • Commercial – 40-60%
  • Outdoor – 10%

The above data clearly indicates that maximum consumption occurs in the commercial sector like shops and showrooms. This is largely due to the use of halogen lamps and CFL bulbs used for the display cases in shops and showrooms. Replacing these options with LED lights can make a massive cut down in the overall consumption rate.

The LED’s saves a lot on electricity costs. The LED display lights are increasingly being adopted in parking lots, garages, and walkways. They have an in-built feature of sensors which automatically turn off and turn on the lights. The lights are off in unoccupied areas. It saves a lot on electricity and provides a cost saving option. More and more public avenues are switching to LED mainly for this purpose. The public avenues like malls, hospitals, highways are installing LED tickers too because it is the most energy saving and effective way to broadcast content and advertisings.

The energy saving lights have been a boon to the economic development too. Over the past few years the real cost of illumination has declined considerably with the widespread use of LED lightning. It is used not only to light homes and commercial spaces but the governments in almost all countries have replaced the traditional lightning with LED lights on the streets as well. Moreover LED has taken over the world, in terms of computers, televisions and cell phones too. They all are LED screenswhich are used in the electronic devices.

How Efficient are LED Lights?

When you compare the average efficiency of worldwide light resources and that of LEDs in terms of lumens per watt, there will be a huge difference in the numbers. A normal light source has 20 lumens per watt efficiency. Meanwhile, an LED light source has an astonishing 50-150 lumens per watt efficiency. Therefore, the use of LED lights can cut back on the overall consumption to a rough 50% from the current existent data.

The LED’s have been studied in detail and it has been reported that LED display lighting system can save up to 95% costs. This is almost 30% more than the traditional lightning systems.

LED are smarter choices to save energy, money and attain great quality. The inefficient energy consuming incandescent lights have almost passed out the market in most countries after the innovation of the LED especially those with an in-built chip to automatically switch off lights when not in use.

Why are LED Lights Better for the Environment?

Other light sources possess toxic and hazardous gases and chemicals like mercury, and these light resources need to be disposed of scientifically due to their highly harmful nature. Developing countries cannot afford this sort of high maintenance disposal. Since LED lights do not contain such heavy metal toxicities or greenhouse gases, they are far more beneficial than any other type of lighting system.

The LED also has a life longer than the traditional systems. Hence fewer lights are manufactured and hence lesser materials are needed for the manufacturing process. This saves quite a big amount of energy as well as the resources of the environment. They are even Waterproof!


LED light sources are, therefore, the green technology of the future and possess the necessary features to cut down power consumption to a very large extent. By reducing the energy consumption LED also has a significant positive impact on the greenhouse effect as well. They are mercury free lights which when disposed off, does not harm the environment as much. It is not harmful and is a perfectly safe option in terms of maintenance and disposal. Due to these multiple advantages, LED lights should definitely be a go-to option when it comes to reliable and power-saving options.

Daniel Reynolds
Daniel Reynolds
In 2013 I set up the company Dynamo Led Displays Ltd. We have since established ourselves as major players within the LED industry and been involved in many innovative projects as well as working with some of the worlds leading companies.

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